Ready to improve those emotionally reactive moments, and strengthen the bond with your kiddo?

Therapy to get a handle on the struggle with emotional reactivity.

As a gentle-parenting-parent, those moments of utter frustration and reactivity have a way of creating what feels like an internal tornado.

And as a result, you’re left with heavy feelings of guilt and shame for how you handled your little one not wanting to wear pants.

Or whatever the mole-hill turned mountain situation was.

parenting is hecking-hard.

Especially if you’re choosing to parent differently than the way you were parented.

And that choice makes a lot of sense, because The research on parenting has drastically changed since you were a child.

If you’re here, it’s likely because you’re wanting to do things differently for your kiddo.

And maybe it’s because you’ve been scared by the impulsive behaviours of emotional reactivity, when they take over.

Lovely, I whole-heartedly see you.

There’s nothing like becoming a parent to stir up all of the things. And that stirred up stuff can be impossible to ignore.

If you’re ready to make a change for Yourself and your kiddo, click the button below.

My goals for you in therapy:

  • to Feel safe in therapy, and able to be vulnerable. this is hard work, and means a lot of unlearning, and processing uncomfortable things.

  • Get to the underlying cause, and root of your reactivity.

  • transmute the old and uncomfortable stories. And gold mine for the nuggets we find in deep inner-child work.

  • Help you to heal old wounds, and create a more loving relationship with yourself, for both you and your kiddo(s).

Learning to parent is one of life’s greatest journeys

And I’m here for that journey.

you Know how to parent your kid, and I hands-down guarantee that you’re an incredible parent.

and as it turns out, parenting can be about as predictable as the flightpath of a stink-bug.

Our nervous system’s like predictability, and parenting is anything but predictable.

keeping your nervous system regulated, so you can be the lighthouse for your kiddo’s chaotic waters can feel nearly impossible, depending on the day.

And if you’re someone who grew up in a household where big emotions weren’t a good thing, then your nervous system is already primed for reactivity.

You’ve read about it, and experienced it. and you know the ‘that’s how it was back in the day,’ way of doing things isn’t going to cut it for your little one, anymore.

you’re here because You get to be the one that breaks the cycle of emotional reactivity.

Let me help you.

emotionally focused therapy for individuals

Hi lovely, I’m Jessica Rita, MACP, CCC


Hi lovely, I’m Jessica Rita, MACP, CCC 〰️

Some things about me, and my practice:

  • I’m a licensed Canadian clinical therapist, and I use a blend of EMDR (Eye-Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), clinical Hypnotherapy, and Inner-Child Work.

  • i’m mom to a very busy 2-year old, and i totally get the impacts and changes that parenthood brings to life, and our ways of being. shout out to ms. rachel + songs for littles to helping us co-parent on those extra tough days (if you know, you know).

  • i believe that every human who wants to grow, has the capacity to evolve, and improve to be the best version of themselves and the best parent, they can be.

  • Healthy relationships are going to help heal the world, one ripple effect at a time.

“Parents aren’t the people you come from. They’re the people you want to be, when you grow up.”

–Jodi Picoult